"Fiberlene Filters are working great in our LEED facility and save us storage, logistics & labor costs."
Pat Delavergne
Frito Lay/Pepsico
"The custom fit cuts maintenance time in half. Lint is our major problem and Fiberlene cleans easily and has a very short pay-back period."
John Stelly
Fruit of the Loom Maintenance Superintendent
"We no longer have the problem of finding the right size filters and maintaining stock. We now clean filters monthly where we changed disposables every week. We no longer buy and throw away disposables in our manufacturing facility. Fiberlene delivers just what we need to meet our filter demands and their service has been 'amazing'."
J.P. Viejo
Easy Foods, Inc
Doral FL
"Fiberlene protects our family of brands providing organic, non-GMO, kosher, vegan, plant-based, allergen free and superfood options for healthier foods and a healthy life."
Hudson River Foods
Castleton, NY